

"If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas."
-George Bernard Shaw
Autumn creeps up, the rain falls, the wind blows, and even our apples need a little warmth. 

Yes. This is the most amazing thing you have ever seen.  

The only words for this image are either A) "how adorable." or B) "how rad is that?!"

Tomorrow this apple will go with me to work, warm, safe and unbruised in the bottom of my bag. It will take its place of honor on my desk. Then I will remove the apple from the sweater and eat it. (Pattern found at Unravel Me Designs on etsy)

Thank you to mi Hermana for finding pictures of the apple cozy and sending them my way to thus inspire me to pick up my hook and yarn and try it out myself.


The hexagons have found me....

"Laura was sewing two long breadths of muslin together to make a sheet. She pinned the edges together carefully and fastened them with a pin to her dress at the knee. Carefully holding the edges even she whipped them together with even tiny stitches."
The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Hexagons. Taking the quilting world by storm. And now... me. 

Lake time found me basting fabric to paper hexagons.
The car ride home began the whip stitching (BY HAND!!) together.
Winter evenings will be full of hexagons. I will sew them together until my fingers are calloused and strong. I will have a blanket of hexagons.

In the meantime, it's a lazy Saturday in bed with the cat.

She sleeps on a recently thrift-ed quilt, a true find with hand quilting goodness all over it. We listen to Bobcat football (the cat listening to the Cats) with hubby. A wonderful day with sewing and crafting in the future. And chicken soup. Pictures to follow.